Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A TRU Experience | Jobsite Insider

A TRU Experience

This week we are getting excited about TruLondon. Jobsite will be platinum sponsors of the three day unconference. This is the third time that we have been the platinum sponsors of the TruConferences and we are looking forward to getting stuck in again. It will bring together some of the leading names in Recruitment, HR and Technology from the UK, US, Australia and Europe for three days of discussion, debate and no doubt some disagreement! At the end of it though, we are sure that there will be some very useful advice and guidance for job seekers and hiring companies.

Not sure what an unconference is?

It is almost the opposite of a traditional conference, with 3 principles:

1)    No PowerPoint
2)    No presentations
3)    No name badges

There is no central auditorium with attendees sitting in rows listening. Instead the day is arranged into a number of small discussion groups (usually with 3 or 4 going on at the same time) covering a wide range of topics. As Bill Boorman (founder of TruConferences, of which TruLondon is one of a number of global events) says,

“An unconference is a gathering of minds, experiences and opinions where the attendees (or active participants) lead the conversation. We don’t have Powerpoint presentations because we want the eyes to meet in the middle and everyone to have the floor. Each track (session), has leaders with a background in the topic, but their job is to start the conversation. No name badges because we believe that if you don’t know who someone is you should introduce yourself and start talking.

The agenda will usually be attendee driven and the events are quite collaborative, with participants able to involve themselves in the organisation.  Gareth Jones (founder of ConnectingHR, an unconference aimed specifically at the HR community) commented ‘there are no keynote speakers, just keynote listeners.’

If this sounds like something you could be interested in, then there are still tickets available.

We are certainly excited to be involved with an event as innovative and exciting as TruLondon and look forward to bringing some of the highlights and key learning takeaways over the next few weeks.

So watch this space and keep an eye on our Twitter feed @JobsiteUK for live updates from the event.

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mdinnen Mervyn Dinnen 15 February 2011 Events, Recruiter news , ,

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