Ruper Murdoch has given a hand on heart apology,
two executives have resigned. His media empire has taken a huge hit.
It seems that the underlying reality of the way things are actually done, shocks people.
When in fact, it has been the norm for a long time.
Otherwise, the news would be bland, and uninteresting, instead of the hghly exciting world
of stars and celebs, and who they are sleeping with, "drug fueled sex romps!" with footballers etc.
"Tory MP caught outside nightclub with actress". "New and latest scandal!".
But they definitely crossed the line with the Milly Dowler family, the great thing about the states
is that they sue for cash, whereas in the UK, they seek "an apology".
They talk about hurt and shame, but are unable to put a price on where it really hurts.
Everything blowws over, and on they go.
two executives have resigned. His media empire has taken a huge hit.
It seems that the underlying reality of the way things are actually done, shocks people.
When in fact, it has been the norm for a long time.
Otherwise, the news would be bland, and uninteresting, instead of the hghly exciting world
of stars and celebs, and who they are sleeping with, "drug fueled sex romps!" with footballers etc.
"Tory MP caught outside nightclub with actress". "New and latest scandal!".
But they definitely crossed the line with the Milly Dowler family, the great thing about the states
is that they sue for cash, whereas in the UK, they seek "an apology".
They talk about hurt and shame, but are unable to put a price on where it really hurts.
Everything blowws over, and on they go.
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