Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
BBC News - 7 billion people and you: What's your number?
The world's population is expected to hit seven billion in the next few weeks. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years. Where do you fit into this story of human life? Fill in your date of birth below to find out.
NEXTWhere do you fit into 7 billion? Enter your date of birth to find out:
1500: the population is estimated at 500 million2011: 7,000,000,00015001525155015751600162516501675170017251750177518001825185018751900192519501975200020252050 1 billion2 billion3 billion4 billion5 billion6 billion7 billion8 billion9 billion10 billion
How big is your country's population? To find out, tell us where you live:
POPULATION 10002587Every hour, there are:
15,347 Births 6,418 DeathsAverage yearly growth
+1.162%Fastest-growing country
+514 people per dayAverage 2005-2010 Why?Fastest-shrinking country
-106 people per dayAverage 2005-2010 Why?
Life expectancy varies across the world. Are you:
81.6 Female average77.2 Male averageThe average life expectancy in the UK is 81.6 yearsHighest life expectancy
82.7 yearsAverage 2005-2010 Why?Lowest life expectancy
Central African Republic
45.9 yearsAverage 2005-2010 Why?
this is the textthe amount the population has grown while you've been on this site
We remember hearing a speech on YouTube of President Kenendy mentioning that the United States had a population of 150 million, well past that now of course, and there was a point according to this page when the population fo the earth was 500 million. Now it is seven billion. Quite amazing.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
BBC News - St Paul's protest: Canon Chancellor Giles Fraser quits
It is not clear why he resigned, but he is making a point about violence,
but now I guess he does not have a job, but also, has become a hero for the protesters. Well, it is good to take a moral stand, but the protestors, should they not be outside the churches of capitalism, rather than the churches of worship?
Plus they seem to forget, they need money to pay for food and clothes, and also, they are costing the Cathedral twenty thousand pounds a day.
Seems that they are doing damage, and in twenty years, or next year, or new years, who will really care?
Sunday, 23 October 2011
The Queen meets Geoffery Rush
during her special tour to Australia. Playing the speech
therapist to her father, a man called Lionel Logue,
Mr. Rush really scored in this role which has been highly
praised around the world. The film is Oscar laden and also
starred Colin Firth. They met after a Church service in Canberra,
the capital of Australia this weekend, on Sunday.
There was a significant amount of cheering for the Queen as
she attended the service at St. John the Baptist which is an
Anglican Church,
Crowds cheered her on as she attended St John the Baptist Anglican church.
Later this week on Friday she will open the commonwealth meeting, and
perhaps all the good wishes from the crowd outside may have been
recognition for the very same dress she was wearing happened to be the
one worn the Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding this year.
Queen, who later also congratulated the great New Zealand All Blacks
rugby team for their exciting win over France in the World Cup Rugby Finals
in Auckland, New Zealand.
"The Queen congratulates New Zealand on their victory in the
Rugby World Cup Final and sends her warm wishes to the team
for their excellent performances.", one of her
Buckingham Palace spokesman said
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
The Queen is the patron of Motability
There will be a big announcement tomorrow
about the Motability scheme, of which
Her Majesty the Queen is the Patron. There will be changes in regards to the
more expensive vehicles on the scheme;
from now on, vehicles will be listed available only with
advance payments under two thousand pounds.Also the parameters in regard to nominated drivers
is expected to change.
From January the first 2012, nominated drivers will
have to live within five miles of the recipient of the
Higher Rate Mobility component of the Disability
Living Allowance, which is the allowance used to
pay for the three year contract hire lease that disabled
people can get under the scheme.This is to preserve the integrity of the scheme and
to shield the Motability from possible scheme abuse.
This has been stated as not being in response to
recent negative press, but in fact is the result of
six months of re-assessment of the scheme and how
it works, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs)
will not be affected by the new cap on Advance payments
as WAVs, will generally have a higher level of
requirement, if in doubt, you can contact Motability
Customer service: 0845 456 4566 M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Charles brings an artist on tour.
The tour will be for eight days and will cover sixteen thousand miles there and back.
The journey will take Charles and Camilla to Quatar and Kuwait, but may not
including all official dignitaries and the normal people one might expect them to
visit. At ninety three, Nelson Mandela is apparently a bit to frail to receive a visit.
Charles will most normally, if that term applies!, bring with him a valet, butler,
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Charles and Camilla to go on tour!
Charles and Camilla are going on a Royal Visit,
exciting news! The other Royal couple will be making
a visit to Tanzania and South Africa for a week,
beginning November the second, and ending on
November the ninth, and Charles, who believe it
or not is sixty two, will be adding visits to some of the
Arab Gulf countries at the end of this month also.
We wonder if they might be positioning themselves
to fill some of the gap left by Prince Andrew stepping
down from his role as business ambassador, because
a large part of the focus on this trip will be trade and
investment promoting on behalf of the UK, to help give
some support to bringing Britain into an economic
recovery phase, and also to help strengthen the
country's business partners as well. Included in the
focus of the visit will also be emphasis on the world
wildlife fund interests of Charles.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Royal Garden Parties
and selections of different types of music will be played
throughout the event by one of the military bands that
will be playing.
guests called "lanes". Each member of the Royal Family
will meet at random with different attendees, presentations
are made, until they all gradually arrive at the tea tent
available are considerable, standard quantities being
perhaps, just over twenty five thousand cups of tea,
played again at the end of the event, around six pm,
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Kate would be wise not pose for Anna.
Remember the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada " with Anne Hathaway,
Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, and Stanley Tucci, among other great actors?
Meryl Streep's role as the Editor of the New York based fashion magazine
"Runway", was based on Anna Wintour, the editor of American Vogue.
Anna has quite a reputation for being driven, scaring subordinates,
and getting what she wants.
Well apparently, what she wants, (word on the street), is Kate Middleton,
The Duchess of Cambridge, to pose for Vogue.
She is working on Prince William's photographer friend Mario Testino to
get the prized assignment. However, it is possible that Kate could demean
herself a bit to much if she acquiesces, and grants a Royal photography session.
She may find herself transitioning from being a reserved and private person,
into a glitzy and glamorous clothes mannequin. The memories still linger of
Diana, becoming a world celebrity and fashion icon, however with a price.
Allowing herself to be chased by the world's photographers,
being hustled though airports and becoming
"too available", she gave up a piece of her mystique.
This may have been her best move in a strategy to continue to be a powerful
force, having left the protective atmosphere of the Royal Family, but Kate is very
much a conservative figure who has obviously been warmly welcomed by the
Queen and the rest of the Royal relations, and will continue to play a solid
contributing role to the Monarchy, and be a symbol and representative for
many years to come.
It seems there is an interesting parallel with her sister Pippa, and the Queen
and her sister Margaret. The sister who has stepped into a significant royal
role is somehow shadowed by the other sister, who is a little more,
"entertaining", not constrained by having to live under the rigidity of court,
and having the freedom to continue to lead a relatively free private life.
Pippa's bottom, and Margaret's battles with the booze.
Kate will obviously not have to deal with that
What's this Our Kate not fashionable?
Apparently, Mary Portas, says that Kate does not
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Cyclamen in Crouch End
A person can make excellent effects by combining the different shades or even growing
them in solid blocks of single colour. Bedding cyclamen are not frost
hardy so plant them in a sunny, sheltered spot. Remove any yellowing leaves
or foliage with botrytis (a fungus to which they are prone) to keep them tidy
and healthy. Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering and they will give
you a lovely display all the way through the autumn.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Princess Beatrice, elegant and tasteful.
In the news, it seems that
Sara Ferguson's daughter, Princess Beatrice
is showing a well, shall we say, a fine set of pins!
Elegant, well dressed, well presented, and
obviously, she is a very charming young lady.
Shown here in a body fitting red dress
at a Paris fashion show, she looks set
to be a new style icon on the world's stage.
She was glimpsed at a special Tony Bennett
concert at Ronnie Scott's, and left with her
five year boyfriend, Dave Clark.
She has just completed her university finals,
and is all set for the road ahead.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Both brothers are pilots.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Saturday Night
Do Kate and Prince William watch this?
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Double up Prince William!
Prince William completed a busy twenty four hour shift working
as a Helicopter pilot at ten in the morning, then caught
another helicopter to ride over and play his formal
role as a member of the Royal Family, and play a completely
different part in officially opening a new children's hospital unit.
Just the previous evening, he was part of the team that rescued a woman
in the Snowdonia range with injuries to her head after a fall, an
emergency pick up to transport a seaman to a sick relative's bedside.
Got back to base around nine thirty, and he was able to offer the
sailor a lift to Sandhurst, and then over to Anglesey for the next part
of his journey. Changed into a suit, and off to meet with
Kate to open the Special Unit, a Cancer unit for sick children,
a project that was cherished by Princess Diana, his mother.
There was only one other really official engagement that included
the Duchess, which was the Canadian trip in the last year.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
BBC News - Arthur Conan Doyle's first novel hits shops
Strange how things can get lost in the post.
The Narrative of John Smith, was written by Sir Authur Conan Doyle, however, the post office somehow "lost" it, and the great author had no option but to dig into his memory banks and rewrite the whole thing.
Must have been quite a task. The British Library, incidently and really worthwhile place to visit, is about to publish the novel and also read by the Actor Robert Lindsay, and audiobook.
There are actually a number of notebooks, four in all that comprise the novel, and these will form part of a display at the Lirbrary that will be on exhibit until the beginnin gof January 2012.
"My shock at its disappearance would be as nothing to my horror if it were suddenly to appear again - in print," he once joked.
The book about a man who was afflicted with gout was written in the 1880's.
Quite a find.
Want a photo Your Majesty?
Friday, 23 September 2011
Prince William is trying very hard not to think about being the King of England.
Prince William has recently said that he is trying to avoid thinking
about becoming the UK's Soverign as much as possible, and would be very content
to keep on with his job as a search and rescue pilot for as long as possible.
Or, at least, three or four years yet.
His grandmother Her Majesty the Queen, in regard to the Royal Wedding invitation list
advised him to send invitations to his friends and not worry about the rest.
She is very positive and supportive towards Prince William and Kate's marriage and sees
them very much as the future of the British Monarchy.
Although she is showing no sign of slowing down and fully intends to continue in her role
well beyond her Jubilee celebrations next year, which if you are Prince Charles, and have
been kind of waiting for quite a while for a chance to play the role, assuming that he would
like to become King, means, he will have to wait a bit longer.
That being said, there has been talk of the accession skipping Charles and going straight
to William and Kate. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The Queen is old school and
will perform her duties until she has done everything she can to fulfill her role for the country.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Airmiles Andy strikes again!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Duchess of Cambridge in training for the role of a lifetime
Monday, 19 September 2011
Oooops! Paddy!
As such, Ireland's Paddy Power betting group has altered its Royal Family divorce betting line by slashing the odds of Princess Zara splitting from the English side's captain from 12/1 to 4/1 after he was seeing cosying up to a buxom blonde in a Queensland bar.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Arty Charlie
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Fonzie gets an OBE!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Ronnie Wood and Harry? !!!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Prince Harry makes quite a deal!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Designing your Crouch End garden to attract Bees.
Adele, another member of British Royalty
Friday, 9 September 2011
Silver Trays
Thursday, 8 September 2011
The new Royal Turbines, The Queen goes green!
"We have been looking at this for a number of years. It is one of a number of green initiatives
introduced at royal residences by the Queen and the Duke Edinburgh."
The Turbines should be ready to go in November.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Florence Brudenell-Bruce.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Prince Harry's Girl
David Icke Lectures
David Icke
Monday, 5 September 2011
Fancy serving tea to the family?
Queen Elizabeth has placed an advert for a trainer butler to serve
herself and other members of the Royal Family.
Based at the Palace, the successfull applicant will be also part of the yearly
round of Royal Family seasonal visits to Sandringam and most famously
their retreat at Balmoral.
The pay is not great at fifteen thousand a year, but includes accomodation
and a level of training that will bring their career to the highest level.
After putting in time at the Palace, there are often a wealth of opportunitiesfor Royally trained butlers, with high paying jobs in the USA especially prized.The advertisement obviously stressed the need for discretion and confidentiality.
But, wow, what an opportunity! Serve Harry and Wills, Kate and Phillip.
Then maybe on to Hollywood serving the stars.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Just added to
- Cuckoos September 2, 2011
- Southern oak bush-cricket August 31, 2011
- Growing alliums: best varieties August 29, 2011
- Compost heaps and wildlife August 25, 2011
- Autumn-fruiting raspberries August 24, 2011
- Gardening holidays August 22, 2011
- Mouse in the compost bin August 19, 2011
- Grasshoppers, butterflies and wolf spiders August 17, 2011
- Garden birds and poppies August 15, 2011
- Plants that evoke memories August 12, 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
The Prince of Wales, is given a cd
Friday, 2 September 2011
Oooppsss!! Pippa gets a ticket!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Harry's Balancing Act
We saw the last part of Prince Harry's trek in the Arctic on BBC this week, he is doing a great job of balancing being a bit of a scoundrel, having been recently enjoying an East European jump in the water, and dancing with some of the local beauties to spending time this week with the UK's bravest children.
Harry paid tribute to the children in a speech, delivered on the 14th anniversary of the untimely passing of his mother Diana.
"I feel in awe of individuals with such determination, resolve and strength to take on the challenges they face from such a young age," he said.
"It is equally heart-warming to meet those who dedicate themselves to caring for these remarkable children and young people, and hear all that they do to make their lives the very best they can be.
"Your example is an inspiration to everybody."
The interesting thing to follow is how his profile is being intentionally manufactured to be a good fit and counterfoil to the other dutiful brother William.
We will continue to be interested in the persona that is publicly developed.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Prince Harry and the Arctic Trek
Read more at:
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Prince Harry in the snow
The injured servicemen he joined for the early part of the trek had already overcome huge obstacles to be there on the ice with him. They included 30-year-old Martin Hewitt from Cheshire, a captain in the Parachute Regiment, who was shot on duty.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
UK update
attitudes, economic policy, that require addressing.
Cutbacks on policing have been in the air this last year, however, the issues that
they are supposed to protect, still need protecting and cannot be left undefended.
That there is a highly criminal element out there in British society is unarguable,
likely an issue that will not go away, these young criminal looters have little or no
regard for authority, no respect for the law which is laughable, the punishments already
meted out by the courts are incredibly soft, and simply serve to reaffirm that the lack
of fear of consequences by the looters is justified.
There are larger societal issues that need to be addressed for the lost generation of young,
brought up in a highly consumerist culture, while being completely in many ways,
without the means of advancement.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
The state of the Nation UK
Sunday, 7 August 2011
KITTY’S PLANTING DESIGN SERVICEPlants make a garden and the right planting transforms an ordinary garden into a beautiful space. Kitty Butterwick offers a specialist border design service. Whether you want an existing bed improved or a border designed from scratch, she will create planting schemes that will give you all year round interest and pleasure.
Would you like a modern look with grasses or a more
traditional English country garden feel?
Kitty’s versatile planting plans will suit the mood and atmosphere of your garden as well as complement your house and reflect your personal tastes.
This experienced, North London planting design business provides a comprehensive service which includes initial consultation, site survey, site preparation, planting plans, plant purchase and planting plus follow up development and border maintenance. Kitty trained at Capel Manor College where she gained a Distinction in Plants and Planting Design.
Call 07901 543826 or visit the website at
First I would like to thank Kitty for all her great advice
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
The Lichfield Planter Company
Obelisks, raised garden beds, cold frames, mini green houses, window
boxes, bird tables and nesting boxes. All are attractive, giving a
Victorian feel to your garden and are manufactured in the UK in our own
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Mission accomplished.
Beautiful, elegant couple. We like that fact that this was not a big grand national wedding, but family event, even though very much in the public gaze.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Another Royal Wedding!
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Next year
the Olympics will come to London, (Only a year away!), and William and Kateare favoured to light the Olympic Torch. The Olympics coming to London will create
thousands of new jobs, the main concourse at the Olympic Stadium will see about
400,000 people a day attending the events. The main venues are pretty much complete
with the work now being to install the temporary building installations.
On top of this, Boris Johnson has invited 10,000 people to be part of the opening ceremony,
"and you don't have to be able to act!".
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Drug Fueled
two executives have resigned. His media empire has taken a huge hit.
It seems that the underlying reality of the way things are actually done, shocks people.
When in fact, it has been the norm for a long time.
Otherwise, the news would be bland, and uninteresting, instead of the hghly exciting world
of stars and celebs, and who they are sleeping with, "drug fueled sex romps!" with footballers etc.
"Tory MP caught outside nightclub with actress". "New and latest scandal!".
But they definitely crossed the line with the Milly Dowler family, the great thing about the states
is that they sue for cash, whereas in the UK, they seek "an apology".
They talk about hurt and shame, but are unable to put a price on where it really hurts.
Everything blowws over, and on they go.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
reporting, police corruption, and really underhanded tactics, has bee revealed.
Rupert Murdoch's bid to gain control of BskyB and dominate the entertainment and
news media has been given a resounding no.
Cameron is on the defensive, the News of the World, Britain's 168 year old Sunday Tabloid
has been closed in a poker play by Murdoch, but the forces unleashed have not played out yet.
Basically, the usual, it will all settle down, strange that this info should have suddenly been released.
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Royal Swans
It has been noted that there have been one hundred and fifteen deaths of swans, there are viruses in the swan population, and there are a number
of concerns about the health and safety of the swans.
In 2009 The Queen travelled up the River Thames to witness the historic ceremony for the first time.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Kate and Wills
Kate and Wills are having a gently introduction to public life.
A bit overshadowed by the News of the World controversy in the UK this week.
There was a visit scheduled to a town damaged by fire in Canada, the intent to present
them with cowboy hats.
~Strangely enought, there was some anti royal feeling in Quebec, where the couple
received a positive welcome from the Mayor of the city.
Some anti-monarchists had taken to the streets to protest the visit.Ah well, all comes with the territory.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Lease options
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Loosey goosey, but not too informal we think
beween the formality of an earlier age, represented by the Queen and Prince Phillip,
and the new, hip, modern age of which they will now become a more conservative symbol.
They have apparently informed people that may meet them on their upcoming tour of Canada,
to just address them "whatever you feel comfortable with".
Can't imagine the Queen being so warm hearted and friendly.
But she is from a different era, the black and white newsreel era, the formal fifties when she was young,
is actually rather charming, a young girl stepped out into society in a formal debutantes ball.
Things were very proper, now we are much "looser". A good thing? We shall see.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Repos and unemployment
with repos exptected to reach forty five thousand in the next year.
There is a correlation between unemployment areas and areas where homeowners
are having trouble making mortgage payments.
The rising inflation figures, employement concerns, and the possiblity of higher interest
rates on loans are all things that are adding to the mix.
Highest in the country is Corby, with a repossession rate nine times that of the lowest,
in West Dorset.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Prince Harry
He will be trained in survival strategies should he be captured.
Wise to allow this degree of exposure?
Not sure, however, it may be a necessary proving ground for a possible future King of England.
Developing a Warrior as a leader has been a traditional way to establish a sovereign.
It seems he may be deployed next year to Afghanistan as an Apache Helicopter pilot,
he will undertake his training in Arizona.
Oops, no Pippa news for a while, she just took part in the Highland Cross 50 mile charity race.
Seems to have a good heart, and must be very fit!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Pay the Bankers
It is in the newspapers every day, 6.4 M bonuses, etc etc.
There is a sense of something perceivedly "criminal" about the huge bonuses,
perks, and apparent ability to pull huge fortunes and golden handshakes out
of even the worst performing companies, usually at the expense of employees,
in cutting time and benefits, and job layoffs.
Companies may be often now driven by the need to please the shareholders.
It calls to mind the balance of ethics and business.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Out of control
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Property Business tips
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Nokia News
Even though the Finnish Electronics company is the largest in the world, it is having it's market share
chipped away by Apple products, particularly the IPhone, Google's operating system Android which can
be used on mulitple platforms and as shown in a recent documentary, companies that make better
quality knock off products that can be purchased easily and cheaply without fear of being caught.
Six weeks ago, Nokia posted a lower performance guideline set and will be likely operating at about a
break even level for the rest of the year.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
We need more people like this man
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Hi to Obama
this week, being eighteen feet long, it got cantilevered on a ramp.
It is called the Beast, has it's own oxygen system, bullet proof glass, tear gas
sprayer, and can withstand blasts. We believe that the glass is as thick as a phone book.
He met the Queen, Prince Philip, Kate and William, had a wonderful banquet last evening.
Later today, he will meet with David Cameron, after a round of table tennis during a
surprise visit to a school in London yesterday, and will address MPs later today as the
trip to UK, "gets down to business".
Friday, 20 May 2011
Pippa and exercise.
weekly exercise sessions using the Pilates system, which she works
through with her private trainer at Parsons Green Fitness Centre with
her trainer.
She gives her trainer Margot Campbell a glowing recommendation on her web site:
Whether it’s 7am in the morning or 7pm at night I always leave feeling calm, refreshed and invigorated.
Over the past few months I have noticed a huge difference in my core strength and posture
and couldn’t recommend Margot more highly as an instructor.
“From breathing techniques, muscle toning to overall flexibility and relaxation,
my Pilates sessions have become something of a weekly necessity that keeps me fit, happy and energized.”
Pilates is the hot exercise regime used by many Hollywood stars, it keeps the core body muscles
toned and in shape, without building bulky muscles. It is a system of stretching, you have probably
seen a Pilates machine on the TV.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Day three of the visit
third day of her visit to Ireland.
This was a more relaxed day when she met with Jockeys, viewed training equipment
in action, unveiled a statue, and later in the evening watched the Riverdance dancers
perform. She received a bouquet of flowers on the stage, and a very warm ovation.
Members of the public interviewed sounded positive about the visit, including positive
affirmations from some unlikely sources.
She expressed sympathy during the trip for victims of the conflicts that have raged,
and although no direct apology was expressed, it is said she has come as close as
possible to making one.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Credit to the UK
She and the government are making a very obvious effort to create a harmony
between England and Ireland. Naturally, there are not many people alive now
who were around during the troubles of the early part of the twentieth century.
And hundreds of years of British rule over the Irish are now consigned by and large
to history. We are speaking about the dominance by the English going back and
beyond the time of the first Queen Elizabeth. That being said, it is apparently still
hugely dangerous for the monarch to visit, judging by the distance kept between the
people and the Queen, and the emptiness of the streets.
Friday, 13 May 2011
Apparently they are starying on a private four thousand pound a night island
with private mile long beach with beautiful white sand. They have had private
food ordered to give a taste of home, including interestingly, sprouts.
These are said to be good for a woman to consume who is trying to become
"in the family way!".
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Fergie, Hats, and Ebay
and apparently, Americans, one of the most forgiving
countries in the world, are coming over to her side.
now has a facebook page with over one hundred and thirty
thousand followers! She will be putting it up for sale on the
Ebay web site, with the proceeds going to charity.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Honeymoon calling!
With a poptulation of around eighty thousand, and consisting of around one hundred
and fifteen islands, it will be easy for them to find some privacy. Having left the honeymoon
departure until the last day or so, they have let the triumph of the wedding cool a bit,
and this will give them the space to take it all in their stride.
know Prince William and his lovely wife Kate by, are reported to now be officially
on honeymoon which, for security reasons naturally, the location is undisclosed.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
The american apology
makeover series, where she talks to everyone from Oprah, to Dr. Phil about
turning her life, (and her finances) around.
Actually a great PR move. Unfortunately, I don't really thing you can blame her
for a lot of things, most of our faults are played out on a much smaller scale,
and not on the world's stage. She has blown up huge debts and bills, been
caught selling Prince Andrew's influence, been publicly shamed on the
News of the World paper, and also very, very obviously shunned from the
Royal Wedding.
Coming in June.
Help to your car ma'am?
Shops in Waitrose in Anglesey, and looks like an ordinary wife of an RAF airman.
Prince William, or William Wales as his name is shown in his flight squadron is the hubby out
at work, and his wife has very smartly depicted herself in the worlds media as the home maker.
The Dutch Royal family in ultra liberal Holland could be seen shopping in the supermarket, so this
could be a very obvious move on behalf of the Palace press and pr departments to show a new
generation of Royals shaping up for a change in style and relationship to the public.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Protection details
Many details are justifiably being kept secret.We think it is interesting that Kate is being depicted as an ordinary housewife
pushing a shopping cart in the local grocery parking lot.
Preparations for the future and more modern monarchy no doubt.
Friday, 6 May 2011
the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebration,
next year at Windsor Castle, of photographs from her life.
There will be about sixty wonderful photographs from the rota of Royal selected photographers.
Also there will be an exhibition of Leonardo works at Buckingham Palace from the beginning of May.
Prince Charles will host an hour and a half documentary of the composer Hubert Parry.
Velcro Ring Pocket
Apparently they created a special Velcro pocket for the wedding ring in one of the cuffs of the jacket he wore.
He was then able to unobtrusively retrieve the ring at the ceremony without a hitch.
He was planning to keep it in the hatband, but there were concerns naturally about losing the ring.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Back to work so soon
The prince has been a participant in two rescues since returning to work this week.
Straight back to rolling his sleeves up!
Pretty good move.
House price correction
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Back to normal.
Indonesian Island. Hey, good luck to them.
Apparently security officers checked out the suitability in terms of
privacy and security a few weeks ago.
Pippa is still tipped to be of interest to Harry, apparently, and we
don't know if this is just the media, but he was quite flattering towards
her at the abbey. What else?, William scheduled to return to work today
had to apply for time off for his honeymoon just like his colleagues.
And other than that, Party Pieces, the Middleton's party supply company,
has a couple of positions open. Apparently, you need to be able to provide
your own transportation, as you will need to be able to get to a rural area.
After riding his tractor this weekend after the ceremony, Mr. Middleton was
seen going into the village today to pick up his papers, and some supplies!
Monday, 2 May 2011
Sharp cookie
- May 2nd, 23:59
She attaches herself to landowning, or potentially
will be coming into titles/land social cachet aristo
set. And works her way in. Reports say, behind the
smiles, is a comptetitve, sharp cookie!
Wedding weekend wind down
Well William is back to work shortly, in his job as an
air rescue helicopter pilot.
Kate will become a housewife, and will prepare quietly
for her role in public life.
Pippa, well, she has a boyfriend in the background, she
is apparently besotted with.
Harry, will continue to be very eligible.
The Royal family, has added a fresh player to the old gene pool.
The Middletons, big big, checkmark in terms of social advancement.
Plus apparently, some very sizeable bills to settle up.
And us, we had a very pleasant weekend.
All good.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Ju5t Wed
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Getting Hitched without a hitch!
The Royal Wedding went off with barely a hitch.
Just a bit of extra work to get the ring on Kate's finger!
But other than that, it was a great day for all involved.
Kate will now be known as:
"Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge".
Her parents will not automatically receive titles, but it is
possible that the Queen may grant them this privilege.
Something that is very evident, is how much support there
is out there for the Royal heritage. 600,000 were expected,
it seems estimates are that a lot more people showed up and
celebrated the day.
And now the story changes again, as the fairy tale wedding passes
into memory, and the work of being a member of "The Firm", as
the Royal Family is known, will begin.
Friday, 29 April 2011
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
William and Kate kissed on the balcony, two times, and, after a buffet
reception, drove out of the palace in Prince Charles' Aston Martin with
a "just wed" licence plate attached to the back of the vehicle with floating balloons.
to obey William, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, read the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
Upon their marriage, the Queen has made them the Duke and Ducchess of Cambridge.
Katherine will now be know as "Your highness".
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Gold jumps
Monday, 25 April 2011
Positive news on new home orders.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Branding online using social media
Social Media Strategy.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Pick up?
Upcoming loan possibilities.
Friday, 22 April 2011
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Thursday, 21 April 2011
Things improving?
Homebuilders are reporting an upsurge in activity for the spring.
Perhaps the economy is starting to feel a surge.
Retail is experiencing good sales in small shops, food and non store sales.
The ONS said in its latest retail sales bulletin that the volume of sales was up 1.3% compared to last year, with some adjustment for the fact that Easter last year was in March.
"The ONS figures confirm a worrying downward trend for retail sales,"
"Annual growth in sales values is a quarter of what it was in January and the worst since April last year which was hit by the earlier Easter.
"This April's figures will be helped by Easter and the Royal Wedding. That's welcome, but won't change the fundamentally weak conditions likely to undermine consumer confidence for some time yet."
Source: BRC director general Stephen Robertson.