Tuesday, 8 March 2011

BBC News - RBS chief Stephen Hester gets £7.7m pay package


Seems like the big villains right now are the bankers and their huge bonuses.
Makes great copy, but does it really matter?
Keeps the masses distracted at least, because the average man on the street knows he is screwed. It chief executive Adam Crozier earned almost 1.7 milliaon for working seven months as the Xfactor held the nation in it's grip. He recieved 95% of his bonus after profits for ITV jumped to 324 million. but can you point a finger at him? He has hit his targets, and obviously, ITV has every reason to be pleased with him. Can you blame them?

It may also be the fact that the force running the engine now, is the report that is given to the shareholders and all efforts and decisions made, are done in the light of the fact that a shining report, showing large gains will make them happy. No matter what the cost. Don't forget, the Xfactor is basically run by a staff of about 30 persons, the theater is not as big as it appears on tv. It is is huge moneymaker, Simon Cowell is making a fortune, and most of the perfomers tend to dissappear quickly, although they are apparently tied in to Simon's contracts, and if not, there are another 3000 lining up to audition at all the different venues around the country, can they lose?

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